In infrastructural development the public drinking water distribution network which includes pipes, bents, valves, pumps, tanks etc. is one of the major investments. The design, modeling of distribution network with efficient outcome is an important task. Therefore, the present study is aimed at design of continuous as well as intermittent water distribution systems with adequate water pressure with the use of WaterGEMS Vi8 software. The study is carried out for Manisha Nagar and Padmavati in Pandharpur, Maharashtra. The system comprised of a pipeline network consisting of one source node and several demand nodes is considered to find its optimal geometrical layout which delivers known demands from source to consumers over a long period of time. The effect of forecasted resident population and floating population on demand, head loss gradient, pressure gradient is analyzed. This study is carried out for immediate stage - Year 2021, intermediate stage - Year 2036 and final stage - Year 2051. From the analysis it is observed that, as population increases from year 2021 to 2051, the demand, head loss gradient and pressure development increases.
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Article Type: Research Article
AQUADEMIA, Volume 4, Issue 2, 2020, Article No: ep20028
Publication date: 04 Nov 2020
Article Views: 1860
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