Effects of Graphic Organizers on Conceptual Understanding in Organic Chemistry
Bashirat Titilope Imam 1 * , Adekunle Solomon Olorundare 1 , Johnson Enero Upahi 1 2
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1 Department of Science Education, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, NIGERIA2 Department of Science and Technology Education, University of Johannesburg, Kingsway Avenue, Auckland Park, Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA* Corresponding Author


This study investigated the effect of graphic organizers on conceptual understanding of organic chemistry. The study adopted a mixed-method design involving three intact classes that were purposively selected. A quasi-experimental design and focus group interview was adopted and data was gathered using a chemistry achievement test and an interview protocol whose reliability were 0.74 and 0.73, respectively. The quantitative data were analyzed using analysis of covariance while thematic analysis, with codes generated inductively, was used to analyze the qualitative data. Findings indicated that graphic organizers enhanced students’ performance in organic chemistry. Furthermore, students’ opined that using organizers facilitated their learning. Although, reports indicated that using them as advance organizers is more tasking and deter attention during instruction. It was concluded that graphic organizers are effective tools that improved students’ performance in organic chemistry, however, their use as advance organizers should be carefully guided to ensure enhanced learning outcomes.


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Article Type: Research Article

AQUADEMIA, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2022, Article No: ep22003


Publication date: 28 Apr 2022

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