Evaluating the Environmental Awareness and Practices of Senior High School Students: Basis for Environmental Education Program
Christopher Habunatalia Punzalan 1 *
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1 Master of Arts in Science Education with Integrated Science, College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research, Philippine Normal University, Taft Avenue, Manila, PHILIPPINES* Corresponding Author


Environmental education in the Philippines has been incorporated to different course curricula including life and physical sciences, social studies, geography, civics, and moral education. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between the environmental awareness and practices of Filipino senior high school students during the year 2019 to serve as basis for environmental education program. This correlation quantitative study involved SHS students in a private educational institution in the Philippines through total population sampling and utilized the Environmental Awareness and Practice Questionnaires. The results revealed that the participants have “good” level of environmental awareness (x =3.89) while “poor” extent of environmental practice (x =3.47). Using the nonparametric correlation analysis, the coefficient of 0.663 which means a “positive correlation” between the two variables was obtained. This means that the level of environmental awareness of the senior high school students is significantly and substantially related with their extent of environmental practice. Based on the summary of findings, the researcher recommends the development of environmental education programs that will both aim to maintain and increase the understanding and capacities of the students with relation to environmental problems and environmental sustainability principles.


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Article Type: Research Article

AQUADEMIA, Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Article No: ep20012


Publication date: 29 Apr 2020

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